Each item in our shop has its own fascinating tale to tell. Every piece has been meticulously selected, imagined, and brought to life. Check out our creative journey below.

Also my thoughts behind GraffiTee are at the bottom of this page <3

mens suit ready for upcycling

Step 1


The initial step involves finding and purchasing second-hand items that are fitting for GraffiTee's vision.

Sewing a womens suit

Step 2


Following the creation of a vision and plan for the items, they will undergo a meticulous process of repair, cutting, and sewing.

Graffitee by Jeelie's label on vintage suit

Step 3

Finishing touches

The product will be completed using GraffiTee's hardware, specifics, and tags.

Graffitee by jeelie womens split suit

Step 4


We ensure that every item is thoroughly inspected for quality before it is made available for sale. Once approved, the product is photographed and showcased on our webshop, where we aim to match it with the best customer who can truly appreciate its unique style and give it a fresh new perspective.

See the full suit here <3

Upcycling vs Recycling

Upcycling vs. Recycling: Understanding the Difference and its Sustainable Impact

Are you interested in sustainable practices and giving new life to old items? Upcycling and recycling are two eco-friendly approaches that can significantly reduce waste and environmental impact. In this blog post, we'll delve into the differences between upcycling and recycling, explore various upcycling possibilities, and examine their sustainability. If you're passionate about upcycling, stay tuned for tips on starting your own upcycled clothing brand.

1. What is the Difference Between Upcycling and Recycling?

While both upcycling and recycling are eco-conscious methods, they differ in their approaches. Recycling involves breaking down used materials, like plastic bottles or paper, into raw materials to produce new products. On the other hand, upcycling takes discarded items and transforms them into something of higher value or quality without breaking them down entirely.

2. What Can You Upcycle?

The possibilities for upcycling are practically endless. You can upcycle various items such as:

  • Clothing: Old clothes can be transformed into trendy and unique fashion pieces.
  • Furniture: Give new life to old furniture by repainting, refinishing, or repurposing it.
  • Glass containers: Turn glass jars into stylish candle holders or storage containers.
  • Tires: Create garden planters or outdoor seating using old tires.
  • Wooden pallets: Transform pallets into shelves, tables, or even vertical gardens.

3. Understanding Upcycling and Downcycling

Upcycling refers to the process of repurposing waste materials into products of higher quality or value, reducing waste and resource consumption. On the other hand, downcycling involves converting materials into products of lower quality or value. Upcycling promotes sustainability by extending the lifespan of materials, while downcycling can lead to a quicker return to the waste stream.

4. How Can You Turn Clothes into Other Clothes?

Transforming clothes into other clothing items is a creative way to upcycle. For example, you can:

  • Patchwork designs: Combine different fabrics from old garments to create unique patchwork clothing items.
  • Denim to skirts or shorts: Transform old jeans into trendy skirts or shorts.
  • Shirt to dress: Repurpose oversized shirts into stylish dresses.

5. Is Upcycling Clothes Sustainable?

Absolutely! Upcycling clothes is highly sustainable. By upcycling old clothing, you're reducing the demand for new clothing production, which often involves a significant environmental impact. Upcycling also minimizes the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills or incinerators.

6. How to Start an Upcycle Clothing Brand

Starting an upcycle clothing brand can be a rewarding venture. Here are some steps to get you started:

  • Find your style: Identify the unique design aesthetic you want to showcase in your upcycled clothing line.
  • Source materials: Collect old clothing items from thrift stores, friends, or family to upcycle into your creations.
  • Create a collection: Design a cohesive collection of upcycled clothing pieces.
  • Quality and craftsmanship: Ensure that the upcycled items are well-made and durable.
  • Market your brand: Leverage social media platforms like Instagram to showcase your creations and build a community of environmentally conscious fashion enthusiasts.

7. Best Materials for Upcycling Clothes

Certain materials lend themselves well to upcycling due to their durability and versatility. Consider using materials such as:

  • Denim: Durable and easily transformable into various clothing items.
  • Cotton: Soft and easy to work with when creating new clothing designs.
  • Sweaters: Great for upcycling into hats, mittens, or scarves.

Check Out Graffitee By Jeelie on Instagram

If you want to see inspiring upcycling projects and unique items for sale, be sure to visit my Instagram profile, Graffitee By Jeelie. Get a glimpse of how discarded items can be turned into sustainable and fashionable pieces that make a positive impact on the environment.

In conclusion, upcycling and recycling are essential practices for promoting sustainability and reducing waste. By upcycling clothing and other materials, we can all play a part in creating a more environmentally conscious and responsible world. So, unleash your creativity and start upcycling today!

Want to get in touch? <3